This page will be updated by July 2020. Several of the units I had created and shared were found on various Teachers-Pay-Teachers pages, so I am redesigning how I package and share them. Thank you for understanding.
Mount Vernon High School French Curriculum Guide
Novice-Mid > Intermediate Low (French 2)
1. Qui sont ces Francophones célèbres? Who are these famous Francophones?
2. Qu'est-ce qu'on mange aux cantines scolaires mondiales? What's for lunch in school lunch around the world?
3. L'Éducation pour toutes et tous! Education for everyone!
Novice-Mid > Intermediate Low (French 3)
1. Et si on visitait Paris? - What if we visited Paris?
2. Vivre en société et consumérisme - Living in society and consumerism
3. Identités géographiques et culinaires - Finding our identities from where we live and what we eat
4. Les jouets de nos enfances et les marketing sexiste - Gendered marketing to children
Intermediate Low > Intermediate Mid (French 4 - College in the High School)
1. What are my positive impacts on the environment?
2. Equity in the workplace: Women, immigrants, and migrants
3. Art around me and around the world: How is art a window to culture / mirror of culture?
4. Qui suis-je? Ma vie personnelle et publique sur les réseaux sociaux | Who am I online?
Intermediate Mid > Intermediate High (French AP)